суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

Two weeks with no updates. Here is update (video)

So HexaMMO is more than in a month in active development
Today I show a video with Minecraft-like gameplay
This is tech demo of Blocks in HexaMMO, the game is not about it, this is just a part

Real game is owning, PvP'ing, and other MMO-like things but in world built from blocks and buildings :)

воскресенье, 7 ноября 2010 г.

Status update

Alot of time was spent to add new BlockEngine, which allows to add numerous blocks and cells in the world
Some experiments with blocks based world (remove hexes and add hex-from-blocks instead)

Thinking about launching public pre-alpha in next few days

среда, 3 ноября 2010 г.

Added paypal button :)

Now, if you like HexaMMO and want me to continue, you can donate me a few bucks.
This $$$ will be used to purchase additional content for HexaMMO, hire artist and buy license for NA engine